EPIC REVIEW. orriginally by Joe (aka lordsthief)
no variety, no tactics, god-weapons with inf ammo..
these are my biggest qualms. The game has an amazing foundation, and I feel that there is a lot you can do with it. I can tell you already put a good deal of time and well spent effort into this.
However, back to my issues.
the game has one focus: you shoot ships from behind your invincible-never-over-heat shield, using weapons (cascade missiles x4) that turn the opposition into pulp without any effort or skill on the part of the player. This could be made much better through the elimination of the god-guns, and by replacing them with weapons that are actually unique and realistic. firing 500,000 missiles in 10 mins of grinding is not possible with a craft of that size. Let me suggest some popular alternatives: micro-black-hole cannon, fireworks launcher, flame thrower, micro-drones to convert opponent to your side, etc. What you need is weapons that other games don't have
So, what else did I feel was missing? asteroids. I know one mission was inside an asteroid belt, don't get me wrong, but I just felt something was missing. Something insanely awesome: collision. You didn't have to dodge indestructible asteroids! That had, in my ever-so humble opinion, your best opportunity for incarnating the essence of awesome. also, all the enemies came from the right and moved to the left. None came from the top, none came from the bottom, none flanked (they have numbers after all) and came from behind, they all came from the right. and they NEVER posed a challenge. What fun is it to sit in one place, just watching your shield and checking for the occasional explosive? I should actually have to worry about getting hit. Boss battles should be a frantic duel of the fates, not simply an event where I run up with magical shields, and blast away for 10 seconds, doing 1000k damage a second, half of which by reflecting the boss's own shots.
I understand the novelty of the shield, and I support the mechanic of reflect vs absorb, but they need to be less god-like. Let in a few shots through the shields, make them only last 2 seconds at max, and for GOD'S SAKE, DON'T LET THEM TURN SHIELDS BACK ON THE INSTANT THEY GO OFFLINE!!!
And now I come to the menus. Honestly, the first time I had to quit mid-game I was terrified: I couldn't find the save button, and i wanted to finish before I reviewed. (can you tell?) I suppose It could be called my fault for not knowing it auto-saved, but still.
Now, there is a very commonly brought up point about the recycle system: it is archaic and a pain to use. Unless your goal is to give this generation tendinitis, you need to rework it so that you don't have to click on an item, and go down to click recycle to recycle it. recycle duplicates is nice, but a recycle all is better. The equipment seems to be sorted by rarity, which is nice, but needs to be divided among weapons and shields. I would suggest you also add other categories for things such as armor, engines and the like.
The different pilots were a good idea, but served no real, tangible purpose. There was a semi-noticeable difference between them, I assume, but not pronounced enough to warrant playing one class over another. This brings up another problem I have with the galaxy view: you can't go back up to the main menu, or even up to view pilots. Now, this ties in well with another problem I had: the whole equipment system.
I never liked the fact that these puny scaps of metal you shot down had god-weapons. If they had them, why not use them? It is my opinion that only bosses should have decent weapon drops, and the rest be junk.
why though? here is my solution: You add a 'hanger' tab to the galaxy view. This would be a way to easily switch which pilot you want to use, as well as SELL SCRAP PARTS to buy working parts for your fighters. hanger-sold parts should be better almost as good as the part you got from last boss.
Obviously I'd have liked voice acted dialogue, but Sonny has raised my internet expectations too high.
fighters should have less health, swap chars when dead. w lim